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When should the male foreskin be retractable?

Hvornår skal forhuden kunne trækkes tilbage?Illustration: Mand i højhalset sweater med kraven trukket op om ansigtet

When should the male foreskin be retractable?

For many years, it has been assumed that a boy’s foreskin should always be retractable by the age of 6 or 7. However, recent research shows that this assumption is outdated.

For 97% of all boys, the foreskin will become retractable by the age of 16.


The natural attachment of the foreskin to the glans penis during childhood is known as physiological phimosis. As the child grows, the foreskin gradually matures and separates from the glans through the development of a mucous membrane on the inner foreskin and the glans. Until this membrane is fully developed, the foreskin will remain partially or entirely attached to the glans.

The mucous membrane on the inner foreskin and the surface of the glans is similar to that found on the inside of the eyelids. It provides a smooth, resilient surface that allows the foreskin to glide easily over the glans.

The foreskin is the most sensitive part of the penis.

There is significant variation in when the foreskin naturally separates from the glans. In some boys, the foreskin becomes freely mobile before school age, while in others, this occurs later in life during puberty.

Foreskin conditions: When to consult your doctor

Circumcision is rarely necessary for medical reasons, but in some cases, conditions may require treatment and, in rare instances, foreskin surgery or circumcision.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should see a doctor. The earlier you seek help, the better. If in doubt, always consult a doctor. Early treatment leads to the best outcomes.

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Intact Denmark works to ensure that all children under 18 are protected from circumcision and other gender-related surgery that is not medically necessary.

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